“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

Kindness is the one thing in life that all of us can share and something that is powerful enough to change your life.

There are so many ways to show kindness in your community, none of which require you to spend any money. Kindness is free, yet it is worth so much.


There is nothing more powerful than a smile. Have you ever been having a bad day, but someone walks past and smiles at you? It can change the rest of your day.

Even if you are having a bad day, you will be surprised how it can affect your own day if you smile at someone passing by. More often than not, someone will return the smile. You might even find yourself making a new friend for something as simple as smiling.

Support local businesses

Local businesses are what makes your community unique, and regardless of tourism, they rely on you for survival. Every community will have a small business, and they probably feel like part of the furniture. They are what makes your community what it is.

Supporting small businesses in your community doesn’t always mean you need to make a purchase. Something as. Small as leaving a positive review or sharing their posts on Facebook can make a world of difference to their business. Some small businesses are also grateful for donations, even old boxes or storage materials can come in handy.


Your community will likely have some form of volunteer programme, whether it’s picking up litter or providing food for the homeless. There’s also not usually a huge commitment involved, volunteer programmes will appreciate any time you can give, even if it’s just an hour. Volunteering is also a great way to try new things and meet new people. Some volunteer programmes will be happy to teach you a new skill in exchange for your time.

Help out where you can

It’s the small things that can make a world of difference. Helping out where you can doesn’t require you to commit your time or even go far out of your way. Something as simple as moving your neighbour’s recycling bin to the end of the pavement in the morning if you notice they forgot or taking in a parcel if your neighbour is not home.

Compliment someone

Complimenting someone is a powerful thing. You never know how someone is feeling or what battle they might be facing. Sharing a compliment can change how someone feels about themselves. It might only seem like words to you, but to them, it could be the difference between throwing away something they feel unconfident in or keeping it and feeling good about themselves in it.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu