As September rolls in, the excitement and anticipation of new beginnings fill the air. For many parents, this month marks a significant milestone: the start of their child’s journey into early education. At Happy Journeys Nursery in Hendon, we’re thrilled to welcome your little one into our family, where we provide the highest quality day care and early years education.

Starting nursery is a big step for both children and parents, and it’s natural to experience a mix of emotions. Whether it’s excitement, anxiety, or a little bit of both, we’re here to support you every step of the way. In this blog, we’ll share some tips to help your child settle into their new environment and offer advice on how to manage separation anxiety—something many parents face during this transition.

Preparing Your Child for Their First Day

  1. Familiarise Your Child with the Nursery Environment
    • Before the first day, consider visiting Happy Journeys with your child. This will allow them to explore the new environment, meet the teachers, and become familiar with the surroundings. A few short visits can make the first day feel less daunting.
  2. Establish a Routine
    • Children thrive on routine, so in the weeks leading up to their start date, try to establish a consistent morning routine. This could include waking up at the same time, having breakfast, and getting dressed for the day. A predictable routine can help your child feel more secure and prepared for what’s to come.
  3. Talk About the Excitement of Nursery
    • Speak positively about starting nursery, focusing on the fun activities they’ll get to do, the new friends they’ll meet, and the wonderful experiences ahead. Sharing stories about your own childhood can also help them relate and build excitement.
  4. Read Books About Starting Nursery
    • There are many wonderful children’s books that explore the theme of starting school or nursery. Reading these together can help your child understand what to expect and feel more comfortable with the idea of going to nursery.

Managing Separation Anxiety

It’s perfectly normal for both children and parents to experience separation anxiety during this time. Here are some strategies to ease the transition:

  1. Create a Goodbye Ritual
    • Establishing a consistent goodbye ritual can provide comfort to your child. This could be a special hug, a high-five, or a loving phrase you say every day. Keeping the goodbye brief and positive will help your child adjust more quickly.
  2. Reassure Them About Your Return
    • Let your child know when you’ll be back to pick them up, using a time frame they can understand, like “after lunch” or “after nap time.” Consistently returning at the promised time builds trust and helps them feel secure.
  3. Stay Calm and Confident
    • Children are very perceptive and can pick up on their parents’ emotions. If you remain calm and confident, it will reassure your child that nursery is a safe and happy place. Avoid showing your own anxiety, as it may make them more apprehensive.
  4. Trust the Happy Journeys Team
    • Our experienced and caring staff at Happy Journeys are well-equipped to handle separation anxiety and will work closely with you to ensure your child feels comfortable and secure. We’ll provide plenty of love, attention, and engaging activities to keep them happy and distracted throughout the day.

Embrace the Journey Ahead

Starting nursery is a significant milestone, and it’s the beginning of an exciting journey for your child. At Happy Journeys, we’re dedicated to creating a nurturing and stimulating environment where your little one can learn, grow, and develop a love for learning.

Remember, it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions during this transition. With time, patience, and support, your child will settle into their new routine, and nursery will become a place they look forward to each day.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you’d like to learn more about how we can support your child during this exciting time, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to help make this transition as smooth and joyful as possible.

Let’s embark on this Happy Journey together!